Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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7. Why Drugs Are Used
Since 2000 B.C. man has sought that magical formula which would “cure” him of all his illnesses. Man sought an easy way out of his problems which he created for himself. “One pill and I will feel great once again!” Unfortunately, there are no magical formulas that will overcome our ills and still allow us to transgress all the laws of physiology.
Drugs are used to suppress symptoms. That is, to relieve pain, relieve insomnia, skin eruptions, constipation, etc. But are symptoms the disease? No, they are just evidences of it. They are a sign from our body telling us that the body has closed shop for cleansing and repairs. If one were to listen to the innate intelligence of his body instead of immediately suppressing these warning signs, many chronic diseases would not occur. Drugs suppress but never solve the problem of ill health (toxicosis). In fact, drugs cause more ill health (toxicosis).
It is commonly thought that every so-called disease is a distinct entity, requiring a specific remedy. Throughout all systems and methods of therapeutics, there runs a basic error that they call the therapeutic actions of their various procedures. The truth is that these so-called “therapeutic actions” or “remedies” are reactions of the body against the “remedies.” The living organism reacts to everything within its environment—to assimilate useful agents and influences; to eject nonusuable and destructive things. The defensive reactions against harmful substances and influences is proportionate to their harmfulness and commensurate with the vital energy possessed by the affected organism. These two factors—the amount and destructive-ness of the agent or influence, and the vital energy of the organism—are the determining factors in every reaction.
In reality the therapeutic effects are among drugs’ evil effects. They are classed as therapeutic effects only because they are the effects the physician wishes to produce when he prescribes the drug. He assumes that something constructive and beneficial is accomplished when a symptom is temporarily suppressed.
When one uses drugs, one endeavors to provide the sick body with means of carrying on its healing efforts. By sending into it or applying to it, exotic and poisonous substances that it cannot use in a state of health, the body is actually further debilitated. In short, the effort to cure disease has been by producing additional disease.
Medical men employ poisons because they believe that poisons are the proper things with which to restore health. They attempt to prevent disease by the employments of poisons because they believe that poisons can prevent disease. It never enters their minds that the elements of health are essentials to both preserving and restoring health.
Poisons are used because there is an effort to kill something—germs, parasites, viruses. This war is nominally on disease, but the warfare actually devolves upon the human constitution.
Should the sick be poisoned? One might also ask, should the well be poisoned? Is there any more reason the sick should be poisoned than there is that the well should be poisoned? If poisons are not the proper things with which to preserve health, why should they be thought of as the proper things with which to restore health? If poisons make the well man sick, what do they do for the sick man?
- 1. Introduction
- 2. History Of Drugs
- 3. What Are Drugs?
- 4. What Do Drugs Do
- 5. Law Of Dual Effect
- 6. What Drugs Cannot Do
- 7. Why Drugs Are Used
- 8. Why Drugs Should Not Be Used
- 9. What The Body Does When Drugs Are Taken
- 10. Some Specifics
- 11. What To Do Instead Of Taking Drugs
- 12. What To Do When Acute Symptoms Manifest Themselves
- 13. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: The Poisoning Practice By Virginia Vetrano, B.S., D.C.
- Article #2: Principles of The Hygienic System by R.T. Trail
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)