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Article #2: Principles of The Hygienic System by R.T. Trall
The Hygienic System, or the treatment of disease by Hygienic agencies, is based on the following propositions:
- All healing or remedial power is inherent in the living system. The “properties” of drug-medicines, as they are called, are simply morbific effects.
- There is no curative “virtue” in medicines, nor in anything outside of the vital organism.
- Nature has not provided remedies for disease. She has only provided consequences or penalties for taking or doing those things which occasion disease, the disease itself being an effort to remove those causes.
- Health is found only in obedience to the laws of the vital organism. Disease is the result of disobedience.
- Health is normal vital action, or action in relation to things usable. Disease is abnormal vital action, or action in relation to things nonusable.
- There is no “law of cure” in the universe; the condition of cure is obedience to physiological law.
- There is one universal rule applicable to the treatment of all disease by Hygienic remedies, and that is to balance functional action. If this is done, no disease, however violent, will prove fatal.
- Remedial agents do not act on the living system, as is taught in medical books and schools, but are ACTED on by the vital powers.
- Disease is not, as is commonly supposed, an enemy at war with the vital powers, but a remedial effort—a process of purification and reparation. It is not a THING to be destroyed, subdued, or suppressed, but an ACTION to be REGULATED and DIRECTED.
- Diseases should not be “cured.” So long as the causes exist, the disease should continue. But the causes of disease should be removed and the patient cured.
- Truly remedial agents are materials and influences which have NORMAL relations to the vital organs, and not drugs, or poisons, whose relations are ABNORMAL and ANTI-VITAL.
- Nature’s materia medica consists of Air, Light, Temperature, Exercise, Rest, Food, Drink, Bathing, Sleep, Clothing, Mental Influences.
- The true Healing Art consists in supplying the living system with whatever of the above it can USE under
circumstances, and not in the administration, of poisons which it must RESIST and EXPEL. - Drug remedies are themselves CAUSES of disease. Every dose diminishes the vitality of the patient.
- DRUGOPATHY endeavors to restore health by administering the poisons which produce disease.
- The Hygienic System on the contrary, restores the sick to health by the means which preserve health in well persons.
- Diseases are caused by obstructions, the obstructing materials being poisons or impurities of some kind.
- The Hygienic System removes these obstructions, and leaves the body sound.
- Drug medicines add to the causes of obstructions, and change acute into chronic diseases.
- To attempt to cure diseases by adding to the causes of disease, is irrational and absurd.
Home > Lesson 40 – The Dangers Of Drug Medication: Over-the-Counter And Prescription Drugs
- 1. Introduction
- 2. History Of Drugs
- 3. What Are Drugs?
- 4. What Do Drugs Do
- 5. Law Of Dual Effect
- 6. What Drugs Cannot Do
- 7. Why Drugs Are Used
- 8. Why Drugs Should Not Be Used
- 9. What The Body Does When Drugs Are Taken
- 10. Some Specifics
- 11. What To Do Instead Of Taking Drugs
- 12. What To Do When Acute Symptoms Manifest Themselves
- 13. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: The Poisoning Practice By Virginia Vetrano, B.S., D.C.
- Article #2: Principles of The Hygienic System by R.T. Trail
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