Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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10. Nostrums, Medications And Drugs Adminstered For Sleep Problems
Almost everyone has advice for insomniacs, including other insomniacs—but usually their advice just doesn’t happen to work in their particular case! One of the latest fads is to take a heavy dose of the amino acid L-tryptophan before retiring. This fad came about as the result of an inquiry as to why drinking a glass of milk seemed to cause sleepiness in those who had sleep difficulties. However, milk is not heavy in this amino acid, hence there must be some other explanation as to why people become sleepy after drinking milk.
Anything that requires extra blood and nerve energy makes us drowsy, especially if taken at or near our regular sleep hour. Tryptophan itself is a fractionated product and as much as half an ounce will cause vomiting and diarrhea. The mechanism whereby sleep is hastened by a heavy dosage of tryptophan is probably from a drug effect, despite medical protestations that there are no side effects. The fact that a small amount of tryptophan will cause vomiting is indication enough that it does indeed cause drug effects.
The list of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, barbituates, aspirin compounds, antihistamines, antipsychotic and antidepressant compounds, chemicals and herbs supposed to induce sleep makes fearful reading. Perhaps we should add alcohol to this list, since it also seems to make people sleepy.
The truth is that drugs do not make us sleepy so much as they induce coma or a comatose state. Drugs bring us nearer to death, and there is little difference between the amount of these drugs needed to put us into a comatose state and the amount needed to produce death! Sleeping pills are all harmful. Natural sleep is the only sleep we should seek and we should pursue this by entering upon an /entirely natural regime of living.
Everything done to cause us to lose consciousness is unnatural. Unnatural responses to needs merely intensify problems instead of solving them. The treating professions prescribe drugs that ultimately make matters worse for the sufferer. Those who advise the use of herbs or special foods make the same mistake. Instead of advising the sufferer to discontinue those practices which cause insomnia, those who would “treat” the symptoms leave causes intact and tinker with modalities that cause drowsiness or coma.
There are over 50 million Americans with sleep problems, almost one in four. People who suffer insomnia usually have a number of other complaints as well. Sleeplessness is but one symptom of body toxicity. Remove the toxicity and all complaints disappear simultaneously. Fasting enables the body to free itself of toxic materials and a healthful regime will not impose toxin buildup.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What Is Rest?
- 3. What Is Sleep?
- 4. What Determines The Quality And Quantity Of Sleep We Need?
- 5. The Value Of Napping
- 6. Dreams And Their Role In Sleep
- 7. Establishing Conditions Most Favorable For Sleep
- 8. Sleep Problems In Adults And Their Solutions
- 9. Sleep Problems In Infants And Children With Suggested Solutions
- 10. Nostrums, Medications And Drugs Adminstered For Sleep Problems
- 11. Our Biological Clock And Sleep
- 12. Improving The IQ Through Sleep
- 13. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: How To Put Yourself To Sleep Easily By A.F. Willat
- Article #2: Rest: A Much-Neglected Health Factor
- Article #3: The Need For Rest By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #4: Rest vs. Stimulation By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)