Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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12. What To Do If You Have Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia
Fasting is the best way to quickly eliminate the toxemia that resulted in your hypoglycemic symptoms. Through the fast you will give your body the rest that it needs to carry on its job of cleansing and repairing.
People with hypoglycemia are often fearful of fasting. They believe they will go into shock if they don’t eat some protein every few hours. But professional Hygienists have seen these people regain their health after a fast. However, they do need expert supervision.
Dr. William Esser says, “Hypoglycemia can very definitely be benefited by a fast.” He says that functional types of hypoglycemia can be corrected without too much difficulty through fasting and a change in habits.
Since hypoglycemia is a condition that arises out of factors of irritation, abuse and exhaustion, involving the entire body, the only “remedy” for this exhaustion is rest. The body must be allowed to slow down and the stress factors must be eliminated as much as possible. A period of fasting under proper supervision is important for the purpose of fostering metabolic housecleaning and a thorough physiological rest for the exhausted organs and glands. All draining of functioning power must cease. Emotional, sensory, and physical power is restored by physiological rest.
The fast should be continued long enough to marshal all the power and force of the organism to regenerate itself and to return to normal functioning. It is only through the return of this power that the organs involved in blood sugar metabolism can resume the work that they have been created to perform.
After fasting, all refined foods and other harmful substances should be eliminated, especially white flour products, refined white sugar, alcohol, caffeine, salt and nicotine. Any small amount of these poisons may overstimulate and exhaust the pancreatic-adrenal mechanism, thus reactivating the hypoglycemic pattern.
The natural diet of humans is one of raw ripe fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Dr. Frank Sabatino suggests that for a period of time, the elimination of certain foods, such as sweet and dried fruits, may be necessary. Even such an excellent food as bananas may be on the prohibited list for a while. In the fruit family, the more desirable items during this period, according to Dr. Sabatino, should be citrus (oranges and grapefruit), and sub-acid fruits (such as peaches, pears, apples). He also suggests a three-meal-a-day plan of one fruit meal and two salad meals, with ample use of greens, sprouts and avocados. After, health is restored, more fruit meals with sweet fruits included may be eaten.
In addition, you should not neglect the other conditions for health such as proper exercise, fresh air, sunshine, emotional poise, rest and sleep. This is the only way to regain health and correct this condition of disturbed physiology.
- Part I – Diabetes Mellitus
- Part II – Diabetes Insipidus
- Part III – Hypoglycemia
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Other Factors
- 3. General Symptoms
- 4. Medical Diagnosis
- 5. Medical Treatment
- 6. Concentrated Sugar
- 7. Conversion Mechanism
- 8. Hormones That Maintain Balance
- 9. Progression Of Hypoglycemia
- 10. The Liver
- 11. Hyperinsulinism
- 12. What To Do If You Have Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia
- Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Diabetes Mellitus By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #2: Diabetes
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)