Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
1. The Food Combining System
Most of the food combining rules were first set down long ago by such Hygienic pioneers as Doctors John H. Tilden and William Howard Hay, and they have been tested in practice by modern Hygienic doctors and many thousands of lay people. This empirical testing has resulted in some modifications of the original food combining principles. Other modifications continue to be evaluated as “gray” areas and are studied and tested.
What is needed by neophytes and old-timers alike is accurate, up-to-date information, clarification, simplification and a common-sense approach—a way to eliminate confusion and anxiety.
This lesson discusses meal-planning principles and their application. You will be given all the details you will need in order to learn to apply these principles. This lesson will also lead you through numerous examples of the correct application of each of the food combining rules that were discussed in Lesson 22.
- 1. The Food Combining System
- 2. Planning Meals
- 3. Daily Menus
- 4. Mono Meals And Mono Diets
- 5. Application Of The Food Combining Rules
- 6. Trying Too Hard
- 7. Your Social Life
- 8. Your Family
- 9. Looking Forward
- 10. Food Classification Charts
- 11. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Your Probing Mind By Dr. Virginia Vetrano
- Article #2: Proteins In Your Diet! By Dr. Alec Burton
- Article #3: Food Combining By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #4: Chlorophyll And Hemoglobin By Viktoras Kulvinskas
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)