Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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3. Bioelectronic Factors In Nutrition
Those who probe, poke, and pry into the living body trying to force it to reveal its innermost secrets of nutrition and life, finally come to an invisible, impenetrable wall, and the message of nature seems to clearly proclaim: “Thus far shalt thou go, and no further!” All investigation seems to run out into unfathomable mystery. The living body’s ultimate processes of nutrition are a nature-kept, or life-kept, secret. Nor, is it necessary that we know these ultimate nutritive processes, for nature (or the invisible life force of nature) would still have to do the ultimate processing by the same natural laws as it has done since life first began on this planet.
The one vital area where nature requires our conscious participation is that first important step along the long and winding nutritive road, of providing the body with the biologically-correct food, and of course, proper mastication of that food.
Even our 20th-century technology, remarkable as it is in some areas, cannot take a television camera into the inner recesses of the living cell and show us its ultimate nutritive processes. Thus, it has always been, and shall always probably be. We can only speculate, theorize about ultimate processes, and up until recently that seemed counterproductive since nature goes right on with her great secret work regardless of our questions about it. But, in the light of recent investigations and findings (as summarized in the first segment of this lesson, on the weather), showing that weather, climate, drugs, etc., can seemingly have an often devastating effect on living bodies by disrupting electrical balances, etc., perhaps a renewed, more intense speculative look, or theorizing, about what may go on behind the great barrier of effects in living nutritive processes may now be more fruitful.
And, it must be admitted at the outset that this will be mostly theoretical and speculative, as, in this writer’s opinion, investigations of invisible ultimate nutritive matters (no matter how sincere and dedicated) cannot at present (if ever) be considered as having absolutely-established conclusions that present final “scientific proof.” But, Hygiene/Life Science ever seeks to increase the light of human understanding and betterment, and if questioning and theorizing into new fields of thinking lead to that worthy goal, then more power to it—as long, of course, as this thinking does not subvert or take us astray from the time-honored and proven basic principles of Hygiene/Life Science.
Since all material things seem to run out into invisible electronic mysteries, for purposes of this lesson let us approach the living body from that standpoint. The pioneer in “bioelectronics” was George W. Crile, who as early as 1889 began his researches into the electronic nature of the living cell, and reached the conclusion that every cell of the human body is really a tiny bipolar battery carrying two electronic charges—a negative charge on the outside, and a positive charge at the center. But Crile, and the bio-electronic researchers after him, started their investigations with a “full-blown” cell which has turned out to be a very complex thing indeed!
Crile’s researches and findings were later duplicated and verified by Lakhovsky and others. They concluded that a predominance of a positive electronic charge brings total health, abundant energy, extended youthfulness, etc., while a predominance of negative charge or potential in the cells caused cellular fatigue, structural deterioration, exhaustion, and eventual death of the cells.
This might lead some to conclude that electricity, or electronic energy is life, or the life force. We are no more able to resolve the problem of the ultimate nature, essence, mystery, and miracle of life than any other Hygienist/Life Scientist, and claim no special mandate to give such final dispensation. We can only offer our own ideas held at the present (which could change in the future, in the light of newer thinking and investigation) with no implication that we think these are final and unshakeable conclusions. And, with the hope that present and future Life Scientists/Hygienists can delve further into this great mystery. There are those who will dogmatically state that the life force is you, or your subconscious mind, etc. But such statements lack absolute, demonstrable proof, and therefore are assumptions, not conclusions. Others will claim, just as dogmatically, that the life force is electricity.
It is this writer’s considered opinion, however, that life, or the life power, is probably not the same as electricity, but that the life power “uses” electronic energy to “build” or form the body and put it’ into a certain condition so that life can manifest more fully. There are just too many unresolved (and probably unresolvable) differences between the life force and electricity. Perhaps there are even “life fields” and “body fields” that intermingle and interpenetrate. The pioneering work of Harold Saxon Burr is highly interesting along these lines of investigation of the ultimate cause of the great barrier of effects in living processes.
And, to try to reduce the life force to the same size as the “electronic building blocks” it uses, as the reductionists try to do, is as futile as trying to describe and reduce the brick mason to the same size as the bricks he uses! Those, who in their philosophical considerations, try to reduce the life force to its tiniest “building blocks,” are following a wrong theory, in this writer’s opinion.
But, who can say they know, and can prove for absolute certainty, what life really is? Perhaps we will never know what the life force is, in its ultimate essence. It is a nature-kept, or life-kept secret, and one that Mother Nature seems not to want to share with us! Perhaps, for us humans, it is just as important to know that life is not as to know what it is!
Many Hygienists/Life Scientists of old wrote as though they considered the life force and nerve force as the same thing. I have expressed my own opinion (above) that I do not think the life force and electricity are the same. Yet, nerve force does appear to be some form of electricity or electronic energy. How do we resolve this? Theorizing from bioelectronic research findings, and from Hygiene/Life Science philosophy, the conclusion seems inescapable that here, perhaps, we can deduce a reasonable hypothetical explanation to account for the perplexing paradoxes and contradictory aspects of nerve force and life force. They are apparently two different things! At least that is the conclusion we are drawn to, at this time, by our evaluation of current bioelectronic research. It should remain an “open-ended” subject, however, and it should be understood that we are not here claiming to present absolutely final conclusions about it! To return from this needed digression to the comparison of the life force and nerve force—nerve force is a variable factor—life force is a constant. Nerve force would appear to be the “positive aspects” of the bioelectronic energy of the nervous system, and rises and falls with certain conditions. Life force, on the other hand, is a constant and not a variable factor. It is not “used” by the body, but uses the body and nerve force as its manifesting instruments. Life force initiates intelligent action in the body, while nerve force, being apparently a form of electricity or bioelectronic energy, has no power of intelligent initiation. And the Hygiene/Life Science philosophy shows that even life, itself, must work within the confines of biological laws.
At the present state of bioelectronic research, nerve force would appear to be generated within the body, although there are those who think it also can, to some extent, be generated from without. Here, as elsewhere, the infinite power and wisdom of the life force may have designed more than one way of doing things as an emergency, self-preservative influx. Who knows? But, if our bioelectronic theorizing is to be consistently developed as a theoretical explanation of the differences between the life force and nerve force, we must postulate that for the maximum healthful functioning of the body, and full manifestation of life’s powers, the life force apparently must maintain a nerve force balance of positive and negative electronic energy charges, with slightly more of the positive charge predominating.
Since all matter in the universe is built, and has an electronic basis, food must also have its electronic basis with its positive and negative electronic charges. And, it would seem logical, and consistent with our bioelectronic theorizing, to conclude that all foods either have a predominantly positive potential or a predominantly negative potential, or else a near balance of positive and negative potentials.
We do not get life from food, for food cannot give what it does not possess in the first place. Food, in the state it is taken into the body for nourishment, is dead, inert material that is acted on by the life force, Let those who claim that electricity is life explain this—food matter contains electricity (electronic factors) in its very basic makeup, but it does not contain life. A predominance of negative electronic potential in inert matter, as in dead bodies and dead foods, is still electricity or basic electronic factors. Is not a dead body still composed of electricity in the material of which it is still composed? And, yet it does not contain or manifest life. We do not get life from dead, inert material like food. What we do apparently get from food (at its ultimate breakdown by digestive processes) is electronic energy, if our electronic theorizing is to be consistent. Reducing food to its cells, the food cells themselves are further reducible to molecular and then to atomic and subatomic or electronic levels. Upon correct and complete digestion and assimilation, the electronic energy is freed from the foods. Thus, under the bioelectronic view, we see that the so-called “biochemistry” system of food science would not be correct food science, and would be of relatively minus value to the Life Scientist/Hygienist, as its conclusions are reached from the data and studies of contrived experiments, research on rats, manufactured deficiencies, and research on dead bodies, dead foods, and the dead chemical elements of these.
But, under the bioelectronic view, it is seemingly the electronic energy in the foods (according to bioelectronic research), and not the chemical elements that should form the real basis for a genuine science of living nutrition. Reasoning from the findings of the bioelectronic researchers leads to the conclusion that the chemical elements in foods are apparently the transport-carriers of the electronic energy that is seemingly the real goal of the long chain of nutritive processes in the body. When this electronic energy has been released from food cells, the chemical transporters that are left, and that are not utilizable by the body, are poison to the living body and must be speedily eliminated by the self-preservative instincts of the body wisdom. Pursuing this reasoning further, another apparent conclusion to be drawn is that fractured and fragmented food supplements are unusable by the body, and therefore foreign to it (poison), and also must be quickly eliminated as life-threatening materials.
3.1 Food and Electronic Energy
A bioelectronic food science based on the electronic energy would show whether a food had a predominance of positive or negative electronic potentials, or is almost neutrally balanced. But, this does not mean that we need to always follow some complicated chart showing the positive and negative, or neutral potentials of every food in existence. Nor does it mean we have to be always keeping the positive and negative electronic condition of the body in mind, so that we will be sure to eat foods and maintain a proper balance to keep us healthy and fully alive. As in so many other things, wise old Mother Nature has preceded us and provided the perfect balanced food to maintain maximum health. Since this is the natural, biological food for humans, and since health results from its use (other things being equal, of course), it seems a fact of observation that this food, designed by wise nature for human use, has a perfect balance of electronic potentials to maintain the living human body at its highest level. That perfect natural food of mankind is, of course, the many wonderful varieties of edible fruit, along with uncooked vegetables (especially green, leafy ones), and nuts. In the master drama of human nutrition, our prime role or duty is to see that we eat the natural diet that contains the essential nutritive factors. And, we can then put our trust in the great wisdom within to do its marvelous work of building our bodies as healthily as possible—as it has done for untold ages past, since life first manifested on this planet Earth.
3.2 The Body As a Bioelectronic Phenomenon
In the first segment of this lesson, I indicated that scientific findings show that disruption of body processes by weather is done at the electronic level. But, how much greater is this electronic disruption from wrong food, and wrong food combinations? And yet, nature has seemingly made our correct biological diet such a relatively simple objective for us, and we humans seem to want to make it so complicated. Our theoretical reasoning leads us to believe that the wisdom in nature has made the natural food of mankind so perfect as to its ultimate electronic potentials needed for the body processes that no human genius in electronics, or the most sophisticated modern computer, could even begin to compare with it.
Thus, theorizing (or deducing) from the bioelectronic viewpoint, nutrition at its ultimate invisible goal after releasing or unlocking of the electronic energy, possibly consists of some magical (and there’s no better word to describe it) transformation of ultimate electronic factors of foods into some higher state or condition that is closest to the essence of the life force, itself, and can best be utilized by it in that “higher” condition. Perhaps, again, this ultimate energy unlocked from food consists of some peculiar and higher form of vibration of the released electronic factors. Thus, certain radiations, at certain wavelengths, might be the invisible “building blocks” that the life force uses in building and maintaining animate bodies.
Of course, the mysterious energies locked up in the ideal foods—fruit, uncooked vegetables, and nuts, in correct combinations, cannot be available to the life force unless they are unlocked and set free by correct functioning digestive processes all the way down the Ion road of nutritive processes. And these digestive processes can be interfered with and disrupted and perverted in a myriad of ways and conditions, such as sudden weather changes, wrong food combinations, enervation and toxemia, wrong emotions, overwork, etc.
3.3 The Hygienic/Life Science Way
And, while fruits, uncooked vegetables, and nuts, in correct combinations, are nature’s ordained diet for mankind! it may be that with more knowledge in the future we will discover that during certain times, and under certain conditions, we should favor the combining and eating of certain fruits, vegetables, and nuts over others, for their slightly different predominance of electronic potentials. For example, future findings might show that specific fruits, vegetables, and nuts, properly combined, may be better for weather-sensitive people whose ion balance has been upset by adverse weather conditions, etc. This is, of course, speculative, and awaits more research for possible verification in the future; but, as stated at the beginning of this part of the lesson, this brief speculative analysis of bio-meteorology and bioelectronics hopefully may arouse further thinking and investigation by Hygienists/Life Scientists into these relatively little investigated areas of nutrition and related subjects. For we can never reach the omnipotence and omniscience of nature, or the life force and wisdom that ever remains hidden within manifested nature; but in the constant journey, struggle and out-reaching to learn more of nature’s secrets, in order that we may learn to live in compatibility with her ordained ways, we grow and expand our lives and our consciousness. And, creative outreaching is initially speculative, until more definite evidence catches up to it.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Body’s Natural Protective Systems
- 3. Bioelectronic Factors In Nutrition
- 4. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: The Weather In Your Health By Mike Benton
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)