Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
4. The Client Must Be In Charge
Clients must be responsible for making all changes. It must and should be made clear to them that they will be in charge of their own lives and that they will thus be designing their own future. Before they sought relief, but they gained no health. Now, they must make changes because they have a new goal, the attainment of a higher level of health. They must be brought to an understanding of the most important reality of life: that they can FREE THEMSELVES of all their sick cares and concerns as well as from the financial burden that being sick imposed upon them, a burden which kept them from enjoying many of the simpler pleasures of life; and that all this wonderful new world can be theirs by making some simple changes in their manner of eating and living, changes which have proved in the past throughout all of history to be health-building, changes which will replace their former health-destroying habits, changes which will soon bring them an abundantly rich life instead of their present half-life of sickness and suffering, one filled with the spectre of premature death.
As a specialist in Life Science, this is what you have to offer and what they have to gain: a life without pain and complete freedom from all sickness and disease. But, they must be made to understand that the new trip is not free, that no one can accomplish these promised and highly fortuitous results FOR them, that they must do it ALL ON THEIR OWN and that many changes may be required of them.
Furthermore, just as walking the sickness road can be a very lonely walk, indeed, just so, travelling the road to health must necessarily often cause one to desert the herd and be somewhat lonely, too. But, and this is what must be emphasized, WITH A HAPPY DIFFERENCE!
The sickness road is one filled with pain and suffering. It is a downward trek that” leads to more involved pathology and eventually, more often than not, to a life filled with untold agony and unpredictable pathologies. In contrast, the Hygienic life script unfolds like a happy drama and opens up a joy-filled road where there is no pain, no suffering. It is an upward path that can expand the mind, ripen the senses, open new doors, impart an expanded spiritual awareness of the meaning of life, and often provide an opportunity to help others to know the joys of living the Hygienic way. In other words, by proving himself amenable to change by the doing, the client can find a new purpose for living and, as always, with purpose comes performance and with performance in the arena of life, as contrasted with the lonely life of pain, all loneliness leaves, never to return.
Lastly, our clients must also comprehend that it has taken time and many mistakes, both known and unknown, to change the potential they possessed at birth to whatever state of diminished health they are presently experiencing, and that it will also take time to achieve whatever level of health is now possible considering the client’s age, his present condition, his residual vitality and how well he follows the Hygienic road, and that sometimes the amount of time required will be more than we either like or anticipate.
However, clients should be assured, and this from time to time, that with each improvement, the speed of recovery will begin to accelerate, the healing crises will become less frequent and less severe, until finally they are no more. The ultimate goal will then have been reached and the, improved health level thereafter need only be maintained. The changes will, at that point, no longer be necessary, because they have become a part of one’s natural life plan.
4.1 Millie’s Story
Millie learned all of the foregoing the hard way. She came to us originally with a severely-impacted colon, diagnosed as a spastic colon. It had been years since she had had a normal movement. Enemas and cathartics, headaches and extreme lassitude were all a way of life with Millie.
She hated her life. She hated the constant fatigue that prevented her from doing so many of the things she wanted to do. A divorcee, she said that the constant enema-taking and the fatigue kept her from having any fun! She was only 42 years of age.
We explained to Millie that the enemas and the cathartics were her “crutches” and that, so long as she
continued to use her crutches, she would never be able to “go it alone.” She would always, forever after, require her crutches. The pills and potions were not removing the cause(s) of her trouble and, indeed, only served to add to them. These substances were all chemical poisons and, by using them, she was simply adding more poison to all the poisons resident within her own body. It was this poison that had caused and was continuing to cause her problems. Adding poison to poison would only serve further to kill more cells and to reduce even more the tone of the muscles of her digestive tract. If she continued their use, she might well never again be able to have a normal bowel movement. We told her that it would be necessary for her to make some changes in her manner of eating and living, that she must now, as one of our students from Kentucky recently remarked, “make getting the finest food her most important priority.”
Like so many others, some successful, some not, Millie agreed to “try” Natural Hygiene. We explained why she should restrict her diet choices to the finest of natural raw foods, why she should now begin a regular and vigorous exercise program, why she should increase her rest and sleep periods, why she must now drink distilled water and when. In fact, we laid out a precise program for our client to follow, a step-by-step plan of action.
Millie took over and did extremely well. She followed the regimen laid out for her, making few mistakes. As a matter of fact, Millie became so imbued with enthusiasm about her program and her progress that she began to preach Natural Hygiene to all and sundry who would listen.
As her reward, within three months, Millie was having a natural bowel movement (bm) two and three times a week! This was like a miracle to her. After a year, all the digestive disorders of the past had practically disappeared; the heaviness, the excess gas, the occasional nausea and belching, these were no longer any concern. Millie was once again going here and there, having the “good time” she had so yearned for. Rarely now did she have to have recourse to an enema.
At the end of the second year, the bms were coming almost every day. Once in a great while, but only rarely, Millie would have one of her former trying headaches. But, she wasn’t satisfied, she wanted it all and NOW! She felt she needed two or more bms every single day and felt annoyed when such did not happen. She wanted to be rid of her headaches once and for all and forever. She wanted someone to wave the magic wand!
Without consulting us, Millie went to another practitioner, not a Hygienist, and enrolled in a “course of treatments” which were to take away all her cares in one magic moment. The cost of this series of muscle and bone adjustments, as we learned later, was $1,500.00!
Well, a short time ago, Millie came back. The practitioner, at her request, provided us with his assessment of her progress. To Millie’s chagrin and astonishment, the erstwhile waver of the magic wand was not $1,500.00 richer but, sadly, “disappointed” in Millie’s “lack of progress.” The “treatments” had failed.
We reminded a rather chastened Millie once again that there is no magic wand, that healing takes time; that not we, but our bodies are in charge. It is our inner wisdom, not we, that must be in control. We humans make too many mistakes when left on our own to be in charge of such responsibility. Our inner wisdom is so designed that it does not make mistakes and cannot just be diverted from its tasks by our whims and wishes. Just so long as we cooperate with that inner wisdom by supplying the correct tools, as and when required and in the proper amounts, meaningful progress will be made. Health will happen. Unhealthful ways of living always demand a toll of disease but abundant health follows in the wake of correct practices.
On its own, our inner wisdom will establish the necessary priorities, determine how these may best be addressed, lay out the plan, the ways and means, with exact directions and specifications; and then address each in its own manner and at the appropriate time. We are required only to provide the tools, then step aside and watch the magic within unfold.
Millie sat quietly, deep in thought as we quietly reminded her of this wisdom of the ages. She didn’t have much to say, but we knew that Millie had learned a valuable lesson. Millie will wait now for time to bring its miracle.
Encouraging words help clients when the way gets tough. Knowledge and understanding can inspire the necessary changes both in practice and thinking. Clients must grasp the concept that health is, for them, indeed, a possible goal; that Natural Hygiene (Life Science) provides the ways and means of achieving superb health. We need to impart to our clients the confidence that you, as a practitioner, will teach the client how to live according to the laws of life and how to provide the tools for always living in health.
If we can cause our clients to believe that they can be in complete charge of their own lives and that they can work this miracle, then we will be instrumental in bringing about the required changes. And, then, too if we can bring to them full understanding of the fact that their former dependence on the medical community was not only totally nonproductive, but actually destructive of life, then we are to be commended for that is the first important change.
A client must realize, and deeply, that it will take time to accomplish the healing and to restore whatever level of health s/he is presently capable of achieving and that the results will depend on how well s/he follows directions. All diseased persons differ only in the degree of involvement and the site. All can respond favorably to health-building ways, but they must not wait beyond the
physiological point of no return. In other words, there is a limit beyond which full recovery is impossible. This, too, is a change in thinking because, for so long, they have depended on that “magic” pill or, if that fails, upon some fantastic operation that they believe will remedy the hurt.
- 1. What Do You Mean By “Change In Lifestyle?”
- 2. The Need To Inspire The Client
- 3. The Practitioner Presents The Plan
- 4. The Client Must Be In Charge
- 5. What Kinds Of Changes Are Required
- 6. Outmoded Beliefs And Superstitions
- 7. I Can!
- 8. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: The Great Awakener By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #2: Overcoming Compulsive Habits By Stanley Bass, D.C.
- Article #3: The Negative Power of “If” By Charles M. Simmons
- Article #4: Excerpt from “In Tune With the Infinite” by Ralph Waldo Trine
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)