Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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Article #4: Good Medical Attention by Dr. George E. Crandall
In the New York Times magazine section several years ago, there appeared an article captioned, “How Healthy Are We?” by Michael M. Davis. It contains some very interesting statements, statistics, and assertions. It is a very graphic tale of a decaying civilization. The contrast between the youth of this country of 1917-1918 and the draftees of 1941-1942 shows conclusively that, in spite of our boasted medical enlightenment and progress, humanity is on a declivitious march. “The March of Time” is undermining our health and sapping our vitality.
The subjects of this article have been examined, reexamined, immunized, reimmunized, and possibly sterilized, yet they are less fit than the youth of two decades ago. Can it be that the advice and knowledge of the family physician, the American doctor, is grossly misleading and fallacious? All these young men have been supervised from birth by the family doctor: in infancy, in the public schools, in colleges and in their athletic pursuits everywhere. Yet approximately 1,000,000 of the 2,000,000 drafted were weighed in the balance and found wanting of the physical qualifications essential to modern war requirements. If I were a logician, an analyst, or statician, I would want no more conclusive proof of the incompetency of modern medical science than the comparative health status of the American youth as released in this article.
The cause of our health deficiency as given by the author is that we do not receive “good medical attention.” He does not state the reasons but infers that we are all negligent and fail to employ a physician: TMs, too, in spite of the fact that they are forced on us from birth by custom, coercion, and law. We could not dodge them if we would. We are medicated, vaccinated, innoculated, extirpated, serumized, immunized and figuratively baptized. We are literally soaked and saturated in a medical bath, yet we grow weaker and weaker. Possibly if all the pseudo-science was abandoned, Nature would have an opportunity to develop our youth more normally and more ideally.
There is only one way to build a healthy, sturdy adulthood and that is to observe and follow all the health laws. Be guided by natural instinct rather than live haphazardly and depending on artificial immunity which, itself, is taking a huge national toll in degenerating our manpower.
“The human machine shows more diseases and defects as it gets older, especially when it does not receive good Medical attention.” From this quotation it is quite apparent that the author is not familiar with medical practice or such a statement could not have been made. As we grow older, we build and develop all the chronic diseases. These ailments, when once established incurable and not amenable to any known medical treatment. We have been building these diseases for years and even now heart disease (incurable) is taking a greater toll than any other disease, either acute or chronic. Now why are these diseases not prevented by “good medical attention”? The chronic so-called incurable diseases are not respectors of poisons and the wealthy are more frequently afflicted and go down and out more rapidly than the less opulent, in spite of the fact that they can well afford the most renowned physicians and clinics in the land.
If doctors know the cause and cure of these degenerative diseases, why are the American people kept in ignorance? Why do we donate to, endow and build lavish foundations for medical institutions and medical progress and receive no enlightenment or health improvement in return? We are sinking, fellow Americans, into the clutches of disease and death and there is no succor or saviour.
Is American medicine commercialized? Do we need state medicine? Has medical science yet discovered the true cause of disease or have they been totally deceived into following a “Will o’ Wisp”—a false philosophy? Is the germ theory a farce and is the practice of modern medicine a burlesque? These are pertinent questions vital to every American and they should be answered truthfully.
We pay annually, over $2,000,000,000.00 for relief from discomfort, pain, and suffering. This is a staggering sum and should insure health to everyone if we could receive adequate enlightenment along health lines. It should be self-evident that if we build better health, we will develop less disease. If we would pursue our health search far enough, we could eradicate all disease, suffering, and premature death. It is certain that we cannot obtain this knowledge from licensed physicians and it is not taught in hospitals, or clinics, nor by the visiting nurses association.
In time of need, health knowledge is not even supplied by the American Red Cross.
There is only one solution to this vital national problem. It is quite evident that our modern medical knowledge is woefully inadequate, erroneous and ineffective. Even surgery cannot cut health into the body or the cause of disease out of the system. Our only solution to this national problem is to learn “The Laws of Health,” and develop enough desire and self-control to practice them. Health cannot be expected from a country of people saturated with tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, and drugs.
Doctors and their families indulge in all the bad habits that are so prevalent, suffering with the same degree of impaired health and go to an untimely grave. Frequently, we read of doctors or members of their families dying from twenty to thirty years prematurely so it is a case of the blind leading the blind and all the medical propaganda we read so much in the daily papers is just a game of Blind Man’s Bluff.
By a proper regime, consistently and persistently followed, we can in time develop a healthy, strong, and vital people. It will eliminate our weakness and susceptibility to disease. This is a natural immunity and the only dependable safeguard we can possess. It is the function of a health school to impart these laws to the public and create in humanity a desire to have health rather than physician and mental degeneracy and destruction.
Rome has burned but we are still fiddling. Are the needle and the scalpel mightier than the sword (truth)?
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Choosing A Hospital
- 3. Dangers Of Hospitalization
- 4. Let The People Beware
- 5. Health Advocate
- 6. Your Rights
- 7. Abbreviations
- 8. Nursing Care
- 9. Food
- 10. Drugs
- 11. Tests To Accept Or Reject
- 12. Chemical Feedings
- 13. Surgery
- 14. Intensive Care Unit
- 15. The Emergency Room
- 16. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Is Medicine a Fraud? By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #2: Physician Heal Thyself – Part 1
- Article #2: Physician Heal Thyself – Part 2
- Article #3: Good Drugs
- Article #4: Good Medical Attention by Dr. George E. Crandall
- Article #5: Blood Transfusions by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)