Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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3. Introducing The Toxemia Connection
3.1 Early Introduction Advisable
In working with our own clients, we feel it is advisable, at an early opportunity, to introduce the Toxemia Connection. This concept, like that of self-generated healing, will generally be completely foreign to clients’ thinking and accepting it as a totally valid premise may also require some major adjustments on their part.
Most clients have followed the herd all their lives. Almost without exception, they will have been nurtured on the germ theory of disease. Almost all will have willingly accepted the prevailing idea that their pain and suffering are the direct consequence of the foul work of some outside agent, be it germ or virus. They also have dutifully been well-programmed to believe that healing will require some powerful force to “do away with” whatever is at fault. Certainly, of course, and in their view, their illness is hardly of their own doing.
To discard these popular notions requires some mental handsprings, as it were, by the clients. The toxemia theory of disease which they must now learn represents the firm foundation upon which all Hygienic practice is based. Therefore, the connection between toxicosis and disease must be set forth in plain terms for the clients’ enlightenment. It is vital for each client to develop a deep understanding of all that is involved in the toxemia connection and what can reasonably be predicted to evolve, and therefore reasonably be expected to happen in their own selves, once the theory has been well examined, cerebrally accepted and then intelligently acted upon.
Briefly, as Life Science students have already learned, the Toxemia Connection is based on the fact that all diseases, barring those of accidental origin, have their beginnings in a deranged state of the fluids of the body, in a departure from the norm brought about by an abnormal accumulation of metabolic acid debris which has more less exhausted vital power.
The nature of the disease itself will depend on the kind of poisons present, upon the amount of waste present and, to some extent, upon the peculiar inherited weaknesses of the affected individual. The extensiveness and intensive-ness of the ailment will likewise be similarly influenced; the possibility for full recovery, upon the vital power.
Multitudes now live in pain. More multitudes have died writhing in agony because they did not have this knowledge, or, being informed, refused to walk in the ways of health.
3.2 Orienting the Client as to How S/he Relates to the Seven Steps to Pathology
The client’s next mental adjustment concerns the fact that any departure from the normal condition of the body fluids will always result in a biological evolution, but this time it will be a reverse evolution from the norm to the abnormal. This departure will always proceed in a more-or-less predictable fashion from simple cellular fatigue (enervation caused by cellular constipation), in its earliest manifestation, to a more-or-less complete saturation of cells, fluids and tissues with acid metabolic waste debris, this last in its later stages. Such accumulation and the ensuing defensive measures instigated and kept operational by the nervous system in an effort to retain the life of individual eventually exhausts the vital force, at point death ensues.
Concisely put, the Toxemia Connection simply means that most people become ill and subsequently die prematurely, not from a particular disease, per se, but rather from organ failure; usually the failure of the liver, or kidneys, or heart, or some combination of poorly-functioning organs which can no longer meet the systemic needs of the life process due to a derangement brought about by the accumulating poisons.
Thus, the body cells that make up the faltering organs and the total society of cells, overcome as they are with acid wastes, simply are forced to cease their functional duties, causing the life process to come to an end: the electrical power that sustains life is no more.
Throughout the entire reverse biological evolution many cries for help are constantly being given off by body cells in the form of pain and suffering. The disease itself, however manifested, represents the body’s attempt to reestablish normalcy and it is only when the vital force becomes exhausted that the pains of protest and the systemic attempts to normalize the situation, the symptoms formerly expressed, now cease because the healing vital power has been wasted. None remains to fuel the effort.
3.3 Building Reasonable Expectations
Here is where the blackboard becomes almost indispensable. As our practice is strictly educational in all respects we use this tool frequently. We write down the seven step; in the evolution of pathology which have previously been delineated in this course; to review, they are briefly Toxicosis, Enervation, Irritation, Inflammation, Ulceration, Induration and, finally, Fungation.
Next, we note the various symptoms characteristic of each stage and encourage the clients to share with us any symptoms they may recall from their own past. Clients are then amazed at how closely their own medical history will correlate with what they now see on the blackboard before them. By this kind of active participation they begin to develop an understanding of the nature and origin of, disease and, what is even more important, just how their own past lives, their errors and omissions, may have contributed to their own reverse biological evolution.
Additionally, the practitioner can perhaps, at a later time, when the clients may become discouraged by their seemingly slow progress, remind the clients of this evolutionary transgression and to what stage they may have progressed before beginning their own transition to better living. The building of reasonable expectations often depends on the client being exposed early in the transition to this knowledge.
Of course, full acceptance of such a radical change in thinking may require some time. However, we do not hesitate to suggest, even at this early stage, that it is possible now to set the stage for a more or less complete turn-around; to put the brakes on, to make a new beginning, this time in the opposite direction, toward health. In other words, we have an opportunity to encourage the clients to begin their own transition towards better living.
Often we find that gaining this new understanding of the nature of healing and coming to realize that it may be entirely possible for them to reverse the biological evolution, to turn it in a more positive direction, is often sufficient to supply the missing element in their thinking: the Hope mentioned earlier.
Hope often supplants their former fear because they can now see both where they have been and the positive direction they can now begin to take, provided that they learn what they themselves must do to enjoy this totally new experience, this transitional journey from HERE to THERE, to the time and place when superb health will be their constant companion.
Using the blackboard to define and illustrate the transition that must be made in every instance helps the client also to an understanding of the fact that the more severe their symptoms (that is, in whatever stage they place themselves, either correctly or incorrectly, in one or perhaps even in several), the longer it will probably require for them to achieve full recovery if that, indeed, be yet within the realm of probability, considering their present condition. In other words the foundation for reasonable expectations can thus be laid even this early in the transition, possibly alleviating future disappointments.
Enthusiasm for this new way of living coupled with Desire, Hope, the Will to Act and having Reasonable Expectations may well prove to be an unbeatable combination!
3.4 Zeroing In
Clients usually have some difficulty in grasping this new concept of the nature of disease and, since this understanding is essential to future progress and peace of mind, the true nature of the disease process should necessarily be introduced early in the transitional reeducation period.
Certainly, if this theory is correct—and it is becoming increasingly accepted among modern cellular scientists if not among the orthodox hanger-on, and if symptoms were not forthcoming, the individual would soon die. Thus, the diagrams can help the new client to understand the WHY and the IMPORTANCE of Symptoms.
Using the blackboard and/or the diagrams to illustrate the role of toxicosis in disease-making provides a graphic representation, to the clients of their own past, the present and future possibilities. Intelligent clients soon realize, perhaps for the first time, that an opportunity is being presented to them to begin a totally new life, one filled with attainable promises of a better life and this, too, for ALL life!
Blackboard and diagrams help the client to realize that if the body did NOT unload its excess acidic waste, the cells must soon be adversely affected, both in functioning ability and in their structural integrity; in other words, that these acids will damage. Also, a natural conclusion follows that organs composed of these deranged, confused and damaged cells would then, in due course, likewise deteriorate in the same manner. Once this understanding is reached, it is only a simple and direct conclusion for most students to make that if they desire a better life, they must reduce their own systemic toxicity, that they must begin a program to normalize their own body fluids.
- 1. The Typical Client
- 2. Superb Health The Norm
- 3. Introducing The Toxemia Connection
- 4. A Practical Demonstration Of Procedure
- 5. Decision-Making Time
- 6. The Six Steps To Perfection
- 7. The Call And The Challenge
- 8. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Supplementary Text Material By Guylaine R. Aragona
- Article #2: The No-Breakfast Plan
- Article #3: Holistic Approach: Relying on the Doctor Within By John M. Barry, N.D., D.Sc. & Dawn Lyman
- Article #4: Pleasures, Instinctive and Acquired
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)