Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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2. Digestive System Disorders
2.1 Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting may occur for several reasons but basically, they are the body’s way of telling you that it wants to “close down shop for repairs.” When hunger is not present and you are experiencing some nausea, you should not eat. The body must redirect all of its energies for the healing crisis that is going on within you. If food is taken at this time, it most likely will be vomited. Fast until hunger returns and health will be restored at the same time.
Nausea and vomiting will also occur when a poison is taken and the body dispels this substance in the quickest way that it can. This is your body’s way of preserving and protecting itself and we should admire and cooperate with its wisdom and not suppress its vital defensive processes with drugs.
The stimulation for vomiting initiates in the chemo-receptor trigger zone, cerebral cortex or vestibular apparatus of the brain or can be relayed directly from peripheral areas of the gastric mucosa. Most antiemetic drugs interfere with these neural pathways. Any time you interfere with normal body activity, you are creating a worse problem (plus the problems of the additional toxins ingested as the drug). Thus, the body may be so devitalized as to be unable to carry out its repairs.
2.2 Dumping Syndrome
“Dumping syndrome” illustrates the severe consequences of surgical interference. This syndrome may follow surgical drainage procedures, particularly with gastrectomy (partial or whole removal of stomach). Weakness, dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting and palpitation occur soon after eating. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may occur about two hours after a meal. Usual recommendations include a high-protein diet and increased caloric intake, in the form of frequent small feedings of dry foods. A more rational approach would be frequent feedings of juicy fruits. These foods require no digestion in the stomach and pass through this organ quite rapidly.
After awhile, the body will compensate for its loss, but ideal health cannot be attained after organs have been removed. If you follow the Hygienic/Life Science program, you will not have the surgery that results in this “dumping syndrome.”
2.3 Appendicitis
Appendicitis occurs when there is an extreme condition of toxicosis within the body. Under this condition, toxins accumulate in the appendix and inflammation occurs. Most physicians will tell you that “acute appendicitis results from bacterial invasion of the appendix.” While it is true that large numbers of bacteria will be found in the appendix of a toxic individual, the bacteria is not the cause of the disorder. The bacteria proliferate where there is an accumulation of toxic debris. Toxins accumulate due to unwholesome living practices.
The usual “cure” for appendicitis is surgery where the appendix is removed. Does this approach remove the cause for the inflammation? No. It removes the most obviously affected organ and cripples the sufferer. When the reasons for the toxicosis are removed, the appendix will heal and health will be restored. However, rest and fasting are essential during the acute phase of this “disease” so that the body will have every chance for repair. Those who have undergone an appendectomy are 17 times more likely to have bowel cancer.
2.4 Peritonitis
Referring to the etiology of peritonitis, the Merck Manual says “… the most common causes are the infecting bacteria escherichia coli and streptococcus faecalis; other pathogens and occasionally fungi have been identified. Organisms or irritants escape from the intestinal tract most often following perforation of the appendix or a peptic ulcer. Peritonitis may also complicate any operation j in the abdominal cavity or may result from the spread of pelvic infection into the peritoneal cavity…”
This is the generally accepted concept, but it is an erroneous one. Bacteria and fungi are not causes of peritonitis although they are found associated with this condition, Toxicosis must first exist before inflammation of the peritoneum/begins. Irritants in the form of additional toxins may aggravate the situation. This condition may also be precipitated by the suppression of “disease” symptoms elsewhere, and the body has concentrated its toxins in this particular area.
2.4.1 Signs and Symptoms
Onset of this condition is marked by severe localized or diffuse abdominal pain. In the early stages, moderate abdominal distension is present, usually with nausea and vomiting and occasionally, diarrhea. Direct abdominal tenderness and marked muscle spasm are present. If the causes are not removed at this time, more severe symptoms will appear. They include fever, tachycardia, chills, rapid breathing and leukocytosis. Dehydration and acidosis may develop. The eyes become sunken and the mouth becomes dry; circulatory irregularities can occur.
If causes are not removed and symptoms are continually suppressed, acute renal failure, acute respiratory insufficiency and, sometimes, liver failure, may occur.
2.4.2 Treatment
The usual treatment for peritonitis is antibiotic drugs and intravenous fluids. The rational mode of action is to rest and fast. Fluid replacement is necessary in cases of severe dehydration. If fasting is utilized at the onset of symptoms, recovery will be rapid.
2.5 Diarrhea
Diarrhea is defined as “increased volume, fluidity, or frequency of bowel movements relative to the usual pattern for a particular individual.” This is accurate when applied to a normal healthy individual, but when applied to the abnormal pattern of the average unhealthy American, our definition may be somewhat lacking. So we must not look at “average” or “usual” patterns but to the ideally healthy state.
On a healthful fruit and vegetable diet, the stools should be soft but formed. Increase in stool frequency or fecal volume, marked changes in stool consistency, or blood, mucus or pus in the stool indicates that the body is initiating a “disease” (housecleaning) process.
There are several physiologic reasons why the body has chosen this particular route of elimination.
- Osmotic diarrhea occurs when excess nonabsorbable, water-soluble solutes are present in the bowel and retain water in the lumen. This occurs with lactose (due to the absence of lactase), and when such nonorganic salts (magnesium sulfate and sodium phosphate) are taken as saline laxatives. The body dilutes these toxins with increased secretions and quickly eliminates them.
Ingestion of large amounts of the hexitols, sorbitol and mannitol, used as sugar substitutes in dietetic foods, candy, and chewing gum, results in diarrhea by a combination of slow absorption and rapid small-bowel motility. Again, the body in its wisdom moves this toxic material along the digestive tract as rapidly as possible. The severity of symptoms is proportional to the amount consumed and the condition disappears as soon as the cause is discontinued, this is, when intake stops. - Secretory diarrhea. The small and large bowels normally reabsorb salts and water which are ingested with our food or which reach the lumen as a consequence of digestive secretions. Diarrhea may occur when the small and large bowels secrete rather than absorb electrolytes and water. Substances which induce secretion include bile acids (after surgical interference on the ileum, such as ileal resection); unabsorbed dietary fat when this is taken in excess or in an indigestible form; cathartics, castor oil and other drugs.
- Malabsorption. Malabsorption may result in diarrhea by either of the above mechanisms. In generalized malabsorption, as may occur in severe toxicosis of the small intestine, fat malabsorption (resulting in colonic secretion) and carbohydrate malabsorption (resulting in osmotic diarrhea) can coexist.
- Exudative diarrhea. Some chronic conditions where a state of toxicosis has existed for some time (such as mucosal inflammation, ulceration or swelling) may result in an outpouring of plasma, serum proteins, blood, and mucus, thereby increasing fecal bulk and fluidity.
- Altered intestinal transit. Chyme must be exposed to an adequate absorptive surface of the gastrointestinal tract for a sufficient amount of time if normal absorption is to occur. When there has been surgical resection of the small or large bowel, gastric resection, surgery on the pyloric sphincter, or surgical bypass of intestinal segments, exposure time decreases. Drugs, toxic substances or hormonal agents speed transit by stimulating intestinal smooth muscle.
2.5.1 How to Correct the Reason for Diarrhea
The most effective means of overcoming the uncomfortable and inconvenient symptoms of diarrhea is to fast. The fast in itself does not “cure” this problem. But the fast will provide the conditions under which the body can eliminate the toxic burdens which caused the diarrhea in the first place. Even without a fast, good results can be achieved by merely adhering to a normal Hygienic diet of fresh raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. The body then has the materials to maintain normal health and repairs will take place. If surgery has taken place, recovery and a return to normal will take longer but the body will compensate for its partially missing organs, although total health may not be possible. In these cases, a normal Hygienic diet of moderate quantities correctly combined is the best course of action.
Above all, avoid all drugs. They will never produce health and will only result in more toxic conditions. Avoid also all refined and artificial food products, and all inorganic salts, minerals, etc.
2.6 Constipation
Constipation is marked by difficult or infrequent passage of feces. On a normal diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, constipation will not occur. You need not even give it a thought. When your health is normal, your entire system works normally, including your bowels.
Acute constipation instigates a definite change of bowel habits. If constipation occurs, you should examine your diet and general lifestyle and correct those errors that resulted in this condition. Certain drugs will also result in constipation due to their enervating effect on the organism, especially their paralysis of peristaltic nerves.
Chronic constipation signifies a long-term abuse and general systemic debility. As with all “diseases” constipation should not be “treated” symptomatically but improvements in lifestyle will increase health in general and constipation will be self-corrected. On a normal diet of fruits, etc., you need not worry about getting enough bulk or enough electrolytes and water because they are all there in quantities that are optimal for exuberant health.
The most serious problems arise when any sort of drugs are taken to “remedy” this disorder.
Bulking agents, such as bran, psyllium and methyl cellulose are often given for chronic constipation. Although these agents are less toxic than other drugs given for the same purpose, they are quite irritating to the intestinal mucosa. They are prescribed for their “natural” effects and because they are “not habit-forming.” Why take any agent for a “natural” effect when you can receive better results naturally? That is, on a natural diet. Bulking agents, although not addictive in themselves, can nevertheless become habit forming if a person relies on them instead of correcting those errors that resulted in the constipation in the first place. Taking bulking agents does not remove the cause and it does not build health.
Laxatives and cathartics interfere with absorption of food nutrients. These drugs result in rapid peristalsis of the digestive tract and usually the food particles beyond their optimal absorptive locus. Laxatives and cathartics are divided into several classes:
- Wetting agents (detergent laxatives) soften the stool by increasing the wetting ability of the intestinal water. These break down surface barriers, allowing water to enter the fecal mass, soften it, and increase its bulk. Mineral oil is one example of a wetting agent. Mineral oil itself decreases absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and E. Serious vitamin deficiencies could result if mineral oil is taken on a long-term basis.
- Osmotic agents or saline cathartics are used to prepare patients for some diagnostic bowel procedures and occasionally in the therapy of parasitic infestations. They contain poorly absorbed polyvalent ions (e.g., phosphate, magnesium, sulfate) and/or carbohydrate (e.g., lactose, sorbitol). Inorganic magnesium and phosphate are partially absorbed and may be detrimental, especially in cases where there is renal insufficiency. The sodium that is present in these preparations is also detrimental. These drugs also upset fluid and electrolyte balance.
- Secretory or stimulation cathartics, such as senna and its derivatives, cascara, phenolphtalein, bisacodyl, and castor oil irritate the intestinal mucosa and result in neuronal stimulation. With continued use, neuronal degeneration in the colon and “lazy bowel” syndrome occur. The normal peristaltic movements of the bowels become less and the person finds that he is taking these drugs with more frequency in order to have daily bowel movements. Serious fluid and electroylyte disturbances result.
The simple answer for constipation is to live normally. When you eat normally, exercise daily, procure sufficient rest, etc., bowel action will also be normal.
2.7 Diverticulosis
Diverticula are small, saccular, mucosal herniations through the muscular wall of the colon. They may occur in any part of the colon, but most frequently in the sigmoid region. Recent evidence confirms that a highly-refined, low-residue diet plays an important role in the formation of diverticula. The lack of dietary bulk is associated with spasm of the musculature of the colon, especially in the sigmoid. Pressure in the lumen builds up and the mucosa eventually pushes through the muscular coat at weak points.
When this condition persists for any length of time, fecal matter and toxins accumulate in the diverticula and inflammation occurs. If causes are not removed and the condition worsens, ulceration may occur with bleeding. With repeated inflammation, the colon wall thickens, the lumen narrows, and acute obstruction may occur.
This condition need not progress to this point. When the body is supplied with the requirements for health, these diverticula will heal and inflammation will subside.
2.8 Dyspepsia
Dyspepsia, commonly referred to as “heartburn” is described as a feeling of gaseousness, fullness or pain that is gnawing or burning and localized to the stomach and esophagus.
Indulgence of alcoholic beverages markedly increases the symptoms of heartburn. A pattern of eating foods that are incompatible in digestive chemistry, such as starches with proteins, may cause the problem.
When starches and proteins or proteins and sugars are eaten together, emptying time of the stomach is delayed. When the delay is rather prolonged, the acid contents of the stomach are regurgitated or backflowed from the stomach into the esophagus. This is very irritating. It can cause the stomach and esophagus to be inflamed and ulcerated.
2.9 Celiac Disease (Non tropical Sprue)
This is chronic intestinal malabsorption caused by sensitivity to the gliadin fraction of gluten, a cereal protein found in wheat and rye, and to a lesser degree in barley and oats. Gliadin combines with other protein fractions within the body to form a new complex in the intestinal mucosa that promote the aggregation of lymphocytes. In some way, this results in mucosal damage with loss of villi and proliferation of crypt cells.
The crypts glands of Lieberkuhn are lined by a low-columnar epithelium contiguous with that found on the villi. Cells in mitotic division are abundant in the epithelium of the crypt, and as newly-produced cells migrate upward, they differentiate either into absorptive epithelial ells with striated borders or into goblet cells that secrete mucus. If there is cellular damage of the villi, increased production of crypt cells from the crypts of Lieberkuhn will replace these damaged cells.
Symptoms may appear in infancy when the child begins to eat foods containing gluten or may not appear until adulthood. These symptoms are the result of deficiencies due to malabsorption. They may include anemia, weight-loss, bone pain, paresthesia, edema, skin disorders, etc.
Grains do not constitute part of a natural diet for humans. We are biologically frugivores and are adapted to eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds that can be eaten and digested in their raw state. We are ill-equipped to handle the starch and protein found in grains. However, the human body can accommodate to all sorts of diets. This does not mean that we can maintain optimum health on any diet other than our natural frugivorous one. If you become especially devitalized due to additional incorrect living habits, your body may no longer be able to maintain homeostasis. This is when such disorders as “celiac disease” occurs. When it occurs in infants, we must look to the health of the parents and prenatal nutrition for the reason of the disorders. Infants should not be fed anything except mother’s milk anyway, and when they are ready to be fed other foods, fruits are in order—not bread.
There is a simple solution to this “disease”—avoid all grains.
2.10 Hemorrhoids
It is estimated that over 40 million people in the United States suffer from hemorrhoids. In a medical study at the world-famous Mayo Clinic, it was found that more than half (52%) of those examined proctoscopically had hemorrhoids. That study was done in 1959. Today statistics indicate that as many as four out of five people over 40 years of age have hemorrhoids.
What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids (piles) are anal or rectal veins that have become swollen and inflamed. Such irritated blood vessels may remain entirely within the rectum where their presence may not be felt. As the condition worsens, they may slip out of the anus as firm projections and are often tender and painful. Discomfort may include itching, bleeding and mucus discharge. Physicians have cited a number of causes for this condition such as constipation, excessive sitting, straining to lift heavy objects, pregnancy and childbirth, excessive coughing or sneezing, etc. It is absurd to even consider any of these reasons for causes of the hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are merely one symptom of total bodily impairment due to general unhealthful lifestyle. Improper diet and lack of exercise are important factors in the development of this condition. Hemorrhoids actually begin, most often, during the teens or early twenties but do not present
themselves until a person is in his 30s or 40s. It takes that long for the abuse that we burden our bodies with to exceed the tolerance point. When the body becomes enervated through unhealthful practices, toxins accumulate in the body, cells become impaired, tissues become weakened, and acute “disease” results.
2.10.1 How Hemorrhoids Develop
To understand how hemorrhoids happen, you have to visualize the veins in the rectum and anus as being at the bottom of a long vertical column of blood. This means that the entire weight of this column bears on these small blood vessels exerting constant pressure. The pressure increases when you strain to stool—particularly if the stool is hard and dry and takes more than usual effort to move out of the rectum. The hemorrhoidal veins are especially thin-walled, so they can expand to four or five times their normal size. After the stool and the pressure pass, the veins slowly shrink back to their normal size. However, if the straining occurs frequently and the veins are especially thin-walled and weak, they will stay swollen and not shrink.
Thus engorged with nonflowing blood, the veins bear the pressure of defecation, causing the hemorrhoidal veins to “pop.” Lifting a heavy object can do this too. The swollen veins produce a vague feeling of fullness, perhaps some itching, and even pain. Not only are some hemorrhoidal veins affected, but other blood vessels can rupture and leak blood under the surface. If you continue to have hard-dry stools and keep up the straining, the sack that is the hemorrhoid may tear a bit and leak. As a
result you will find fresh, red blood on the toilet paper and even in the toilet bowl.
So what is the solution? Take laxatives? Surgery? If straining or hard dry stools were the irritating cause we must then look to the underlying cause. What caused the constipation? Look to your own violations of life’s laws for the answers.
2.10.2 Kinds of Hemorrhoids
There are three kinds of hemorrhoids—external, anal, and internal. External hemorrhoids are located around the edge of the anus. They are not troublesome unless a blood clot forms or the hemorrhoid may be injured and ruptured in this particular type of pile by individuals who assume that it is an internal hemorrhoid that has protruded and attempt to replace it within the anus with their fingers. Since an external pile cannot be displaced, this would be impossible.
The anal hemorrhoid is found within the anal canal and is situated between the external and internal hemorrhoid. The internal hemorrhoid is above the anal canal and is covered by the mucous membrane of the rectum. One great difference between the external and anal and the internal is that there is very little bleeding associated with the external and anal hemorrhoid, whereas bleeding with internal hemorrhoids is often one of the earliest symptoms.
2.10.3 Blood Clots
A blood clot (thrombosed hemorrhoid) occurs when the vein has ruptured and some blood has escaped into the surrounding tissue. This condition causes considerable pain and tenderness in the immediate area.
Blood clots may appear at three different locations in the area of the anal canal:
- Beneath anal skin—The type of blood clot most frequently experienced is that which develops beneath the modified anal skin (just within the anal opening). The swelling causes the clot to bulge outside the anus. This bulge has the appearance of a firm grape, being tender to the touch and impossible to permanently tuck back within the anus. This swelling causes pain similar to that of a large blood blister. This condition is often referred to as an “attack of hemorrhoids” or a “swelling of hemorrhoidal tissue due to inflammation.” Hemorrhoids do not “attack” you, they are developed due to a toxic condition that undermines blood vessels’ vitality.
- Beneath mucosa—When the blood clot occurs beneath
the mucous membrane lining of the anal canal, it is rarely noticed due to the lack of sensitivity of that tissue. - Beneath external skin—Blood clots may also appear in tissue that is completely outside of the anus. This is often the result of prolapse of a strangulated internal hemorrhoid which obstructs the circulation, thereby causing clotting to occur in the adjacent external mass. This form of blood clot can be extremely painful.
Blood clots will always disappear on their own without any outside “assistance.” The body’s innate wisdom knows how to take care of such abnormalities. This fact is taken advantage of by many drug manufacturers. When a person purchases a product that is claimed to “relieve hemorrhoidal symptoms” and the pain does, indeed, go away, the product is given the credit. If nothing was done at all, the pain would disappear equally as fast if not faster.
On August 28, 1964, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint alleging that American Home Products (the manufacturer of Preparation H) was guilty of making “false advertisements” implying “that the use of Preparation H Ointment and suppositories” would:
- Reduce or shrink piles;
- Avoid the need for surgery as a treatment for piles;
- Eliminate all itch due to or ascribed to piles;
- Relieve all pain attributed to or caused by piles;
- Heal, cure or remove piles, and cause piles to cease to be a problem.”
The government called nine qualified witnesses, each specializing in proctology. During the testimony before the hearing examiner, it was noted that the discomforts of hemorrhoids frequently subside spontaneously. Dr. Hopping said, “Nature and the resources of the body frequently take care of the immediate acute situation and heal it in the course of time. They (the drugs) don’t heal the hemorrhoids.” Another witness, Dr. Eisenberg, said during testimony, “Just mother nature and time, both of which are excellent helpers, and we see patients many times who have made appointments for an acute episode of what they call hemorrhoids and if we are not able to see them for several days, by the time they come in, much of their symptomology has been relieved, spontaneously, though they have done nothing. So we know from experience that many of these complications will subside spontaneously.”
2.10.4 Why You Have Hemorrhoids
Concerning the reason for this condition, Susanna May Dodds, M.D. states, “The predisposing causes of this affection are essentially the same as of constipation; the habitual use of seasonings and condiments, or of fine flour bread or other concentrated food, is a leading factor in either case.”
Instead of examining the general lifestyle, most people take medications to suppress the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Besides being almost totally ineffective, much harm may result. It has been estimated that at least ninety out of each hundred persons who use these specifics for the “cure” of their hemorrhoids, are decidedly injured by their use, and the remaining ten, though not sensibly injured, are not sensibly benefited. The reason for this failure to “cure” the piles by specific medication grows out of a misunderstanding of the nature of disease. Physicians have led people to believe that disease is local in
its origin as well as in its nature. In truth, piles are of a secondary nature resulting from a general toxic and enervated condition of the body.
When drugs are administered for any reason, the body attempts to relieve itself of these powerful poisons. As this practice is repeated, the body becomes more and more enervated, all organs become depleted of vital energy, bowels become sluggish and constipation results. Subsequently, inflammation of the very lower portion of the bowel sets in that eventually gives rise to hemorrhoid formation.
When enervation and toxicosis do not result from taking poisonous medications, they are very likely to occur when the individual leads a sedentary lifestyle, uses concentrated and refined foods, eats foods that are highly seasoned and stimulating, and neglects the other requirements for health. When such enervating habits are persisted in, the bowels become deranged and the nervous energy upon which all activity depends becomes deficient. Congestion of the blood vessels occurs and soon tumorous-type growths appear and become excessively painful. Whenever the person experiences a bowel movement, the veins become large and under the pressure of the sphincter muscle, become so overloaded with blood and toxic material that this pus and fluid escape and the person has what is called “bleeding hemorrhoid.”
2.10.5 What to Do If You Have Hemorrhoids
Dr. James C. Jackson supervised many chronically sick
individuals at his institute at Dansville, New York. His natural approach to health produced beneficial results in every case. Concerning hemorrhoids, he said:
“Let these rules then, be laid down for the treatment of piles:
- Purgatives should never be taken. Persons who take internal medicine for piles make a mistake. No one is ever benefited by them, nor is there any real benefit derivable from any one of the panaceas. Quack medicines are all delusions, thorough cheats, doing no good. If one is relieved thereby he is, as I have before stated, more likely than not to have, as a substitute for the piles, a disease still worse.
- Whoever having piles would get rid of them must eat unstimulating, simple food. Meats, cakes, dressings of rich gravies for the table, must be abandoned, and in their place vegetables and fruits substituted. Then, if the person is so situated as not to overtax the nervous system by labor or thought, and can give to himself or herself plenty of time in the open air whereby to re-invigorate the blood and make it pure, there is good chance that the person may recover.”
Since hemorrhoids develop due to a general condition of toxicosis, you should consider the body as a unit and aim for total health. In other words, when general health is achieved, the hemorrhoids will disappear on their own. This can be achieved only through healthful living.
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
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