Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
Article #1: Uncooked, Unmixed, Unseasoned Food by Dr. G.R. Clements
Multitudes are discovering that their diet is wrong, and many of them are turning to the medical doctor for dietetic advice. Dr. Willian says that this course is absurd. He observes:
“The laity took to the doctor, and the doctor is usually a dietary dunce. He knows not how to feed himself, or else he does not practice what he knows. He eats of all the far-fetched, overseasoned and otherwise dietetically abominable dishes, sheds his teeth, hair, and healthy color quite as young as any of his patients, and is a confirmed and incurable dyspeptic at 35. His medical societies and his clubs all spread a “collation” after each meeting—salads, cake, cheese that would make a tanyard smell like a rose garden, sandwiches with sliced sow in the middle, to be topped off with claret punch, capsicum-flavored gingerale and Cuban-Connecticut cigars.”
Since it has required time for the body to adjust itself to the use of cooked, mixed and seasoned foods, it will require time for it to recover from this habit, and readjust itself to the use of uncooked, unmixed, unseasoned foods. In fact, it is practically as difficult for the body to repudiate a destructive habit, as for it to resign itself to such habit, as wide experience shows. But there is this difference: since the body suffers a gradual decrease of vitality as it adjusts itself to a destructive habit, so it experiences a gradual gain in vitality as it discontinues a destructive habit.
Evidence to prove the truth of this last statement may be had by him who will diligently test the proposition. I daily receive letters from patients, who under my advice are adopting the uncooked, unmixed, unseasoned diet, in which letters the patients happily declare that they are having a delightful improvement in their health, since adopting this mode of eating.
Bread, butter, milk, meat, eggs, potatoes, coffee, tea are the staple articles of diet of this country. Medical schools raise no voice in protest against this menu. It is the diet of medical doctors and medical hospitals, and the medical profession teaches that this is the standard diet, and must be eaten in ample quantities by all who crave vim, vigor and vitality.
Medical institutions forget that the camel, elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus never eat these things. They forget that the dinosaur, megalosaur, magatherium, and mammoth, the mightiest beasts that ever roamed the earth, were herbivorous and frugivorous animals. They forget that great athletes of ancient Greece and Rome were trained on a diet of vegetable and fruit; that Milo the Greek, perhaps the strongest man of history, was a disciple of Pythagoras, and a strict vegetarian. They forget that the giant gorilla feeds on fruits, berries, and herbs, and yet is so powerful that no animal of the wild dares attack him.
Clements Willian further observes:
“Where do we find such muscles of steel and rubber as are those of the agile antelope and the equally agile deer, that run with the wind for a day and a night without tiring? Or where the equally keen sense of sight, hearing, and smell; where such sleepless sharpness of instinct, such tenacity of life, such graceful and perfect physical development? The huge elephant, with the strength of a steam engine, and an intellect that lacks only the faculty of speech to make him a talking philosopher, lives half a dozen centuries, practically on grass. This is not at all strange, when we stop to consider that, botanically, all grains are grasses.”
George Hackenschmidt, the greatest wrestler known as the Russian lion, weighing 220 pounds of bone and muscle, toured the world, throwing the huge Greek and Turk wrestlers without difficulty. Of his diet Dr. Bernard remarks:
“His breakfast consists of fresh lettuce and five or six Brazil nuts. The Brazil nuts and some sweet fruits are the only really heavy foods that he eats. All his other meals are composed of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, eaten raw.”
Even here the law of diet is violated, for we find man mixing lettuce with nuts. If we desire perfection in diet, we must strictly adhere to the one-thing-at-a-time, rule.
We hear our students asking: Since you condemn all the menus published by the various authorities, what sort of a diet would you prescribe?
That question forces us to declare ourselves. But our prescription is so simple that a child cannot go astray in following our directions. It also offers a complete solution of the food problem, and still is so elementary that few will consider it worthy of attention.
Go and wash in Jordan and be clean, has never appealed to humanity. It is too simple. Men are looking for signs and magic. The plain and simple are of no value, for these one can understand without education. They forget that the object of education is to lead men away from the truth into error, confusion and complexity, and there leave them lost and bewildered.
Our diet prescription is this; Eat whatever you want to eat, whenever you want to eat, but observing
these three fundamental rules:
- All food must be uncooked;
- All food must be unmixed;
- All food must be unseasoned.
Think of the time, toil, worry, and wealth that would be saved, if people would be persuaded to return to his ideal eating method of primitive man, whose height was like the height of the cedars, who was as strong as the oaks…and who lived to see the sun rise and set” for nearly a thousand years, ere his sturdy frame sank back again into the dust whence it came.
With one sweep of the pen we solve the perplexing diet problem, and if our advice were heeded, human health would improve so amazingly in a generation as to be one of the wonders of the world.
From Lesson 21 by Dr. G. R. Clements in Orthopathy The New Science of Health and Natural Healing.
- 1. A Statement Of Purpose
- 2. What is Cookery?
- 3. Consequences
- 4. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Uncooked, Unmixed, Unseasoned Food by Dr. G.R. Clements
- Article #2: Excerpts From “Nutritional Methods Of Blood Regeneration, Part II” By Dr. R. W. Bernard
- Article #3: Excerpts From “Unfired Food And Tropho-Therapy” by Dr. George J. Drews, AI.D.
- Article #4: Excerpts From “Nature—The Healer” by John T. Richter, Vera M. Richter
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)