Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
5. The Rewards Of Teaching Your Child
You will be continually well-rewarded for your efforts in teaching your child. A child who has learned the ways of healthful living will be cheerful, free from disease or distress, and a source of enjoyment to the parent.
Dr. Russell T. Trall, a pioneer in the Natural Hygiene movement, wrote this about the outcome of teaching your children how to live healthfully:
“In youth, children are the dependencies of their parents, and subject to their government which may either be wise or foolish. When they enter the world, they will go forth either as useful members of society or constant annoyances and curses. Their eventual actions and character were predetermined long before their assuming personal responsibility. They are the products of their parents’ teachings, and show the result of the care or lack thereof that was bestowed upon them from the time of conception to the day that they step into the world.”
Finally, the words of Dr. Herbert M. Shelton should serve as inspiration for those of us who must teach the young how to live in this world: “We can build a nation of super-Venuses and Apollos, with minds as well-developed as their bodies and with splendid morals and lovely characters. As parents, your greatest charge is to acquire and make use of the available knowledge in teaching children how to live a healthy, happy, and long life.”
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)