Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
Chemicals In The Household Environment: In-Depth Home Survey
Answer each of the following questions with “YES,” “NO”, or “UNCERTAIN”. Some of the questions do not pertain exactly to chemicals in the house, but to all sources of unhealthy pollution (such as noise pollution, motor vehicle products, etc.) At the end of the survey, you will be able to rate your home for its safety.
Are the following aerosol sprays found in the home:
- Hair sprays, tints or dyes?
- Underarm deodorants?
- Antiperspirants?
- Shaving cream?
- Feminine “hygiene deodorant”?
- Medicines?
- Is the home insulated with asbestos products?
- Are there asbestos caulking materials around the home?
- Are caulked surfaces sanded in the house?
- Are air vents or ducts lined with fiber glass?
- Are home repairs made with asbestos shingles?
- Are loose asbestos materials stored around the house?
- Are spot removers or dry-cleaning materials used in the home?
- Are aerosol fabric finishes used?
- Are antistatic agents used?
- Are gloves worn when using spot removers?
- Are aerosol spray starches used?
- Do members of the family wear extremely flammable clothing?
- Does dust accumulate in various parts of the house? (Be honest).
- Is vacuum cleaner in poor running order?
- Do sweeper bags become overfilled?
- Are air-conditioner filters left unattended?
- Are collector screens in clothes driers neglected?
- Does drier vent fail to reach the outside?
- Does ragweed grow near the house?
- Is the ash chute unattended?
- Is there a coal, natural gas, or heating oil furnace?
- Has it not been checked this year?
- Is there a gas stove without an exhaust hood? Was the pilot light for water heater or kitchen stove checked today?
- Is there an attached garage?
- Do family or neighbors ever warm up cars (let them idle) for long periods on cold mornings?
- Is the house near a heavily traveled highway?
- Does the refrigerator or air-conditioner leak coolant?
- Is there a kerosene stove, lantern, or camping stove in the house?
- Is there a fireplace which occasionally emits smoke in the house?
- Are glowing charcoals ever carried indoors?
- Is trash burned in the backyard?
- Is aerosol floor polish, wax, or cleaner used?
- Are aerosol furniture polish and wax used?
- Are metal polish and cleaners used (silver, aluminum brass, and copper) without gloves?
- Is rust remover kept around the house?
- Are tarnish-preventing materials used?
- Is aerosol rug cleaner or tack-down material used?
- Are there open garbage bags at the kitchen counter?
- Are garbage cans left open?
- Are garbage cans left uncleaned especially during hot weather?
- Is “junk” mail permitted to be sent to the house?
- Is a garbage service used instead of mulching?
- Do neighborhood pets get into the garbage?
- Does garbage stand overnight in the kitchen?
- Is a garbage disposal unit used?
- Is an automatic trash compressor used?
- Is there a failure to defrost and clean out the refrigerator often?
- Are rotten and stale vegetables and fruits left in the storage room?
- Is paint (oil-based) used for artistic work at home?
- Is the hobby area poorly ventilated?
- Are rocks polished without the use of a facial aspirator?
- Is film developed in the house?
- Is pottery baked at home?
- Are home photographic, painting, and etching supplies stored outside a chemical hood?
- Are wood lacquers in furniture finishing used?
- Is metal work such as sculpting, welding, or etching done at home?
- Are fast-fixing glue and cement kept in the house?
- Are insecticides stored in the household?
- Have any of these ever spilled?
- Are garden pesticides used?
- Are rooms used within three days after fumigation?
- Are pesticides ever used before reading the instructions?
- Are herbicides used?
- Is the house unclosed when neighborhood trees are sprayed?
- Is petroleum-based fly spray used in place of pest sticking paper?
- Are doors and windows unscreened?
- Is No-Pest Strip used?
- Are mothballs stored where small children can get to them?
- Are aerosol insect repellents used?
- Are aerosol air fresheners or room deodorizers used?
- Are aerosol disinfectants used?
- Are germicides and disinfectants near where children are playing?
- Is there a failure to aerate rooms after use?
- Is the family overly germ-conscious?
- Are strong soaps used in kitchen or laundry?
- Are detergents used?
- Are brighteners used?
- Are laundry soap or detergent overused (beyond instruction amounts)?
- Are soaps and detergents beyond the reach of infants?
- Are rubber gloves not worn when using strong soaps?
- Are there spilled laundry soaps and detergents in the house.
- Is indoor lead-based paint present in the house?
- Is lead paint removed without proper ventilation?
- Is any of the paint cracking, peeling, and chipping?
- Is a blowtorch used for removing the paint?
- Are there old lead-based paint cans around the house?
- Are unglazed pottery mugs for coffee, tea, fruit, juices, or soft drinks used?
- Do children habitually play within fifty feet of a heavily traveled highway or where dirt is contaminated with leaded gasoline emissions?
- Is gasoline stored in the house or garage?
- Are aerosol antirust or lubricants in the house?
- Are there waste oil cans in the house?
- Is oil changed near the house?
- Are commercial deicing agents used?
- Has leaded gasoline been spilled on carport or in garage?
- Is antifreeze kept away from children?
Are the following used at home:
- Typewriter?
- Hairdrier?
- Loud vacuum cleaner?
- Stereo?
- Radio?
- Television?
- Electric mixer?
- Power drill? .
- Leaf chopper?
- Children’s toys?
- Power chain saw?
- Power lawn mower?
- Metal garbage cans?
- Lathe?
- Vibrator?
- Motorcycle?
- Do persons have a habit of making phone calls late at night?
Are the following in the reach of children:
- Oven cleaners?
- Glass cleaners?
- Bleaches?
- Toilet bowl cleaners?
- Scouring powders?
- Are ammonia and bleach or acid cleaners ever mixed in the home?
- Are rubber gloves worn when working with cleaners?
- Are a large variety of cleaning agents purchased?
- Are aerosol drain cleaners used?
- Are aerosol oven cleaners used?
- Are large amounts of plastic furnishings used around
the house? - Is the family unaware of toxic emissions from burning plastics?
- Does the car have a film (from plasticizers) on the windows?
- Are furnishings made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride)?
- Are PVC containers used for food products?
- Are antifungicide paints used which contain mercury?
- Has spilled mercury ever come from a broken thermometer?
- Are mercury-treated seeds around the garden supplies?
- Is there liquid mercury in the house?
- Is an old microwave oven used?
- Does! the microwave oven work improperly?
- Do any family members sit quite close to a TV set?
- Are there ultraviolet lamps in the house?
- Is the house near high-tension electric wires?
- Are black lights in the home?
- Do members oversunbathe?
- Is the home near locations containing powerful transmitters or defense electronic equipment?
Are the following stored in the house:
- Paint solvents?
- Paint thinners?
- Paint removers?
- Lighter fluid (charcoal or tobacco)?
- Butane lighter containers?
- Kerosene?
- Are aerosol paint products used?
- Are oily rags stored around the house?
- Are there open cans of petroleum-based solvents with paint brushes?
- Are cement solvents used?
- Is the house aerated after painted until fumes decrease slightly?
Is Smoking allowed in the following:
- Bedrooms?
- Bathroom?
- Living room?
- Kitchen?
- Recreation area?
- Do smokers fail to honor nonsmoker rights?
- Is the house not aired out after smoking and parties?
- Is marijuana smoking permitted in the house?
- Are aerosol utensil coating materials used?
- Is the household ignorant of the use of utensil coatings by teenagers for sniffing?
- Are there any poisonous plants in the house?
- Are any in the reach of children?
- Are fertilizers kept around the house?
- Is the drinking water below standards for purity?
- Is hot water used for cooking purposes?
- Do drinking water pipes contain asbestos?
- Do they contain lead?
- Do they contain PVC (polyvinyl chloride)?
- Is the house near a heavy industrial area?
- Are the gutters dirty or downspouts blocked?
- Are pool cleaners stored around the house?
- Are water-conditioners kept around the house?
- Is there a water-purifying device in the house?
- Do the toilets ever back up into the bathtub?
- Does the water have a cloudy look when taken from the tap?
Are the following around the house:
- Lye and other corrosives?
- Fireworks?
- Matches?
- Aerosol medicines such as decongestants and anti-fungus agents?
- Are medicine cabinets unlocked or within reach of children?
- Are medicines stored near food?
- Are any old unmarked medicine bottles around?
- Are any members of the household habitual users of drugs?
- Are fire extinguishers left unchecked from year to year?
- Is salt used to melt snow on walkways and drive?
- Has there been a cutoff Christmas tree in the house this year?
- Are aerosol decorative materials or cocktail chillers used?
- Are there rats or other rodents in or near the house?
- Are dogs, cats, or other large pets allowed indoors?
- Do children play near dog or cat litter or in pet pens?
- Is the pet ever infested with fleas or ticks?
- Is there a protective screen on chimney to prevent bug and rodent entry?
- Are there bird nests in rafters or bird droppings near the house?
- Do the children have pet turtles?
Your Score: Count up the total number of “YES” answers. Some of these questions might not apply to you at all, but of all the questions answered, use this scoring:
Number Of Yes Answers To The Survey:
- 80 or more: A very high chance for chemical contamination problems now exist.
- 60 to 80 YES answers: Too many chances for chemical contamination probably now exist in your house.
- 40 to 60 YES answers: A moderate chance for household pollution—initiate a clean-up action.
- 20 to 40 YES answers: A relatively low chance for pollution in your home.
- LESS than 20 YES answers: Congratulations!
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Chemicals In Your Home
- 3. The Benefits of Natural Living in the Home
- 4. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: Radiation in Your Kitchen By Mike Benton
- Article #2: World’s Most Polluted Place: The American Home!
- Article #3: Typical Compounds Found In Cleaning Agents
- Article #4: Typical Potential Household Hazards In A Retail Merchandise Catalog
- Article #5: In-Depth Home Survey
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)