Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
Article #4: Resolving the Issue of Supplementation by Drs. Robert and Elizabeth McCarter
The best way to resolve the issue of the validity of supplementation of the diet with man-made supplements is to study the people who take them religiously. We see a constant parade of such people here at the ranch (the Bionomics Health Institute of Tucson). Almost every sick person who comes to us for help has been taking all manner of supplements for years, all the while watching their health fade away. Once they are taken off their drugs and supplements, detoxified and then taught how to live in a health-promoting manner, they are often amazed at how quickly their bodies respond; many coming to enjoy a state of health such as they have not known for 20, 30 or more years.
Just a few days ago a man and his wife stopped in to present us with a basket of freshly-picked peaches. They had arisen at five that morning and, along with another of our students, had driven to a peach orchard just outside of Tucson where they had picked the ripe fruit, luscious in its rich goodness. Their bodies were dripping with sweat from their labors but their faces were filled with joy as they gave us the fruit.
Why do we bring up this episode at this time? Because, by learning to live according to the laws of life these two remarkable people changed pain-wracked bodies into healthy bodies. For years pain was mirrored in their faces, now only joy. They are now living life as it should be lived—always in health. They have no need for pill or potion, for doctor or for surgeon. They are true Life Scientists relying for true nourishment on nature’s food packages, many of which they grow themselves. They have learned well the secret of life.
When the dietary intake is correct according to human design, all of the organs will be properly and
consistently nourished and perfectly capable of fulfilling their duties as required. However, the systemic mosaic of intertwining functions and structural activity can be disturbed, rendered less than fully effective, reduced perhaps by as much as one-half by an imbalance, by the presence of too much or too little of any one mineral or other nutrient because of the finely-tuned internal ecological relationships, the synergisms and interdependencies, that exist among all.
Like a baseball team must have the pitcher, the catcher and all other players present and in tip-top physical and mental condition to become a winner, so must the human body have all of its required nutrients ready and available for action in the proper proportion, in the correct amounts and at the proper time if the individual is to be a winner in the arena of life.
Otto Carque was one of the first scientists to warn against creating any imbalance within the body; he pointed out that an imbalance of minerals, for example, can lead to obesity, asthma, rheumatism and other serious disorders. Louis Kuhne, a Leipzig practitioner of great renown in his day, said it well, “Man is not a machine artificially put together by combining various pieces, like an automobile, but rather a living creature in the midst of a process of development.” We are alive, not static; our bodies are constantly in a state of flux. Taking supplements can disrupt the flux by thrusting an unknown into the synergism, creating an imbalance which the body cannot tolerate.
It has not been determined to any exactness just how much of any one nutrient is required for maximum health, this undoubtedly being a variable from person to person and from time to time according to functional need as, for example, under great stress. A momentary stress in and of itself can create a temporary imbalance recognized only by the monitoring agencies within the system itself.
The blood and lymph cannot be cleansed and made to flow through the 70,000 and more miles of channels throughout the body by the taking of any “magic” pill. Organs grossly deformed and malfunctoning cannot possibly be restored to health by therapeutic dosing.
One is a real student of health when he understands this one absolute of life: foods have been prepared for man, but only certain foods; man’s natural food contains all that he requires to keep him living always in full health provided his lifestyle and environment are also conducive to health. Dr. Shelton reminds us that “nature … is the author and ruler of all health and happiness, not the physician.”
Many of the technological advances of science in this century are superb but, nevertheless and in spite of them, mankind would be best served by building up a store of vital funds through careful attention to his dietary needs, these being more than adequately furnished in the foods designed both to satisfy visual and palate pleasure as well as systemic need. We should look to field and forest and be content for there we will find nature’s best. As Dr. Ralph Cinque has so well said, supplements are nutritional shadows, not the real thing.
The life-building forces of health are gentle, they are slow, but they are sure. They are gathered together and reinforced by a daily adherence to the principles of life, not by taking a daily recommended dose of any one isolated man-made nutrient or, indeed, by downing a bucketful of assorted supplements. If we would have abiding health through all of life, we must stop pill-popping. We must begin to live according to the principles which are sound, sure and certain to give the desired results. Here lies the true elixir of life.
All supplementation is a “slap in the face to law and order,” a crude attempt to treat and “cure” without removing the cause of the trouble in the first instance. Certainly common sense negates the whole idea. Supplementation is a practice instituted and promoted by self-serving interests which foster the idea that man knows better than Nature what is needed for the maintenance of life. It is a bold-faced attempt to convince a gullible public that supplements are a simple way to prevent disease and heal hurts without making any attempt to discover and remove cause. In other words, it is a simple way for these self-serving interests to make a lot of money off of you!
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Supplement Approach To Nutrition
- 3. The Appeal Of The Supplement School
- 4. The Supplementalists
- 5. The Only Safe Source Of Nutrients
- 6. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: The Great Supplement Hoax! By T.C. Fry
- Article #2: Vitamins: A Quarter Billion Dollar Humbug By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
- Article #3: Are 90% or More of the Vitamins You Take Going Down the Drain? By T.C. Fry
- Article #4: Resolving the Issue of Supplementation By Drs. Robert and Elizabeth McCarter
- Article #5: The Minerals of Life By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)