Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)
1. Foreword
Eating seems to be the favorite indulgence of humans—it has no rivals. It is part of, or associated with, or on the periphery of, almost everything he or she does. It is the accompaniment, passtime, recreation, entertainment, hospitality, ice-breaker, social function, reward, goal, comfort, business tool, monotony-relief, grief-assuager, pain-reliever. Humans eat when they work, they eat when they relax, they eat when they rest, they eat when they watch, they eat when they listen, they eat when they ride.
They eat, not necessarily because they are hungry, but—because it is meal-time, break-time or snack time because they are bored, restless or unhappy; because they need something to do while waiting, while watching television or movies, or while playing cards; because they can’t offend the hostess; or for no reason at all.
Intervals between eating become shorter, the habit of chain-eating abounds and we may find them tasting, chewing, snacking, eating, any time at all, from the first thing each morning till the last thing at night.
They know that their digestive equipment must serve them for their lifetimes, but they make little or no effort to economize on its use, or prolong its ability to function. They rarely give it a vacation; they even force it to work while they sleep. When it complains, they stifle it with drugs. When it breaks down, the surgeon may cut out the offending tissue—perhaps fifty or sixty percent of the stomach, ten or fifteen feet of the intestine, or maybe part or all of the colon.
The most significant cause for these conditions is the combination of sedentary habits and dietary errors (especially overeating).
Overeaters of the world (you comprise the majority)—I hope I can help you before you reach the point of no return.
- 1. Foreword
- 2. Quintessence
- 3. “Appetite” Is Not Hunger
- 4. Development Of The Habit Of Overeating
- 5. Overeating Undermines Health
- 6. The Remedy Mentality
- 7. How Overeating Vitiates The Body
- 8. If You Want To Eat More, Eat Less
- 9. Light Eaters Vs. Heavy Eaters
- 10. The General Rule
- 11. Building Health And Strength
- 12. Willpower Is Supported By Knowledge
- 13. Food Addiction
- 14. History
- 15. Today
- 16. Fasting Fanaticism Vs. Rational Fasting
- 17. Special Problems
- 18. Diet Fanaticism
- 19. Bulimia
- 20. A Rational System Of Weight Control
- 21. Heroic Methods For Compulsive Eaters
- 22. Knowledge And Wisdom
- 23. Epilogue
- 24. Questions & Answers
- Article #1: It’s All In the State of Mind By Walter D. Wintle
- Article #2: How To Make Yourself Over by Self-Programming
- Article #3: Say Goodbye to Compulsive Eating By Mehl McDowell, M.D.
- Article #4: Well! You Wanted to Know By Vivian V. Vetrano
- Article #5: Why I Don’t Fast To Lose Weight By Marti Fry
- Article #6: Help! I Can’t Stop Eating
Raw Food Explained: Life Science
Today only $37 (discounted from $197)